What aspects do you pay attention to when choosing a new house? The standard list includes such points as location, price, weather conditions, and available job offers. Only a few take into consideration, perhaps, the most important thing. It’s about your neighbors. Even the most beautiful, coziest, and cheapest dwelling becomes awful if homebodies are extra noisy, troubled, and complicated. One of the main reasons why people relocate is an impossibility to find a common language with neighbors.
If you don’t want to be one of those trouble-makers, you should consider the following information. It will help you to become an ideal border.
- Take the first step – say “Hello” to newcomers.
Do you remember your feeling when you first came to a new house? You were frustrated and scared. There were too many questions about the community you couldn’t ask. There was nobody to answer them. You were shy just to knock on the next door. Such emotions are not pleasing. Every new-comer feels the same. It’s up to you to take the first step. It’s enough to welcome a new resident and ask whether he or she needs help.
- Don’t make too much noise.
Nobody forbids you to use your lawn-mover or listen to your favorite songs. There are common rules and regulations you have to follow. Yet, it should be noticed that dwellings differ. If there are only young residents in your area, it’s weird to expect for absolute silence.
At the same time, noise is the main stumbling block when it comes to troubles with neighbors. You should discuss with new-comers this question in order to avoid misunderstanding. If you don’t have such an opportunity, it’s better to avoid any noise from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m.
- Cleanliness is important.
It’s necessary to keep things neat not only inside the house but outside as well. You can clean sidewalks and driveways from the leaves or snow. You should follow the garbage and recycling collection schedule. Nobody likes when there are piles of litter just next to you.
- Follow parking laws
Your car shouldn’t create a problem for your neighbors. You have to park it in a proper way. The same is true about the speed limit in the residential area especially if your borders have children.
- Communicate with neighbors
There are different types of people. Some of them are introverts, others are extroverts. It’s not a problem to figure out to which type your next-doors belong. If they are easy-going people, you can invite them to some parties or celebrations. If they are not too sociable, it’s enough to say “Hello” or “Have a nice day” when you meet them. It’s important to remember that not only the lack of communication can hurt the person. The same is true about the excess of it.
To conclude, it should be noticed that being a good neighbor is not only an easy nut pleasant thing. It’s much better to have good friends next to you than the worst enemies.